Functional medicine is a branch of medical care that addresses and manages illnesses/diseases with a patient-centered approach to optimizing health rather than specifically treating disease.
Read MoreThe human lymphatic drainage system is one of the most intriguing purification systems in existence. In addition to being a complement to the circulatory system, this system serves as a defender for the human body by eliminating invaders and cellular waste
Read MoreThe term “dry needling” has become ever more popular in the past few years in the world of sports medicine, pain management and physical therapies in general. As clinicians we often find ourselves answering very similar questions regarding its use, how it works and its’ origins. With that in mind we have set about trying to answer the big ones in this article!
Read MoreSquatting is a popular exercise that works the legs, lower back, and core muscles. It can assist people in strengthening their muscles and burning fat. The problem comes in when people suggest that everyone can do it in the same way.
Read MoreOne of the major concerns I hear from my patients is that they are worried that certain movements or exercises will “wear their back out”. They may have been told by well-meaning healthcare professionals that they should avoid certain types of activities that place “increased load” on the spine.
Read MoreSo, you’ve been increasing your training loads, just returned to an old favorite sport after a break or increased your activity levels and you have developed a pain where the muscle connects to the bone that is not going away? You may be developing “tendinopathy.”
Read MoreBelieve it or not, your skin is the largest organ in the body and can provide a lot of information about the overall health of an individual. How you may ask? The skin is constantly working to maintain its balance.
Read MoreGut health is a topic drawing increased interest in the medical community over the last few decades. The gut is no longer considered a tube through which food passes in the body. The gut is considered an ‘organ’ due to its complexity and significance to overall health.
Read MoreMusculoskeletal pain can originate from bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, nerves, and tendons. Chronic musculoskeletal pain however can be experienced in one particular area of the body or throughout the body, and may not be derived from one specific structure.
Read MoreHeadaches are one of the most common ailments that affect people’s lives daily. Everyone complains of different types of headaches, positions of pain, duration and cause of these headaches. Fortunately, physiotherapy can help assess treat and manage the symptoms as well as treat the root cause of the problem.
Read MoreThere are a plethora of reasons as to why people suffer anterior knee pain. In this article we are going to focus on one of the more common causes which is patellar tendinopathy.
Read MoreAs stated in our previous article, people in the medical field tend to have a preference for certain diagnoses when it comes to certain locations of the body. This is true for the elbow with the majority of patients being told that they suffer from tennis elbow. This condition shares broad similarities to other conditions that effect the elbow so it is wise that you seek a physiotherapist for a thorough examination and management plan.
Read MoreA trigger point is an area of hyperirritable muscle that when pushed creates a regional aching pain. It can be palpated (or felt) as a taut band. The pain does not follow a neural, dermatomal pattern created by aggravation of a nerve root and often the pain will be distant from the source of the trigger point. Six hundred and twenty Trigger Points have been identified and documented with specific referral patterns.
Read MoreDo you really have Frozen Shoulder (Adhesive Capsulitis)?
Shoulder pain and restriction are common symptoms reported by everyone as they age. Most people seek help to relieve these symptoms and often receive the diagnosis of Frozen Shoulder. Unfortunately in a lot of cases this is incorrect as you will see below many shoulder conditions feature similar characteristics so can be easily confused. It is important that you see a physiotherapist so that they can thoroughly assess and advise on the optimal treatment for you.
Read MoreAbout 80% of people will report back pain at some point of their lives. It is one of the most common issues that is presented to physiotherapists and it’s far more complex than an x-ray or MRI will have you believe.
Read MoreThe phrase “shoulder impingement” is often used as an umbrella term for many different types of shoulder pain. It refers to the irritation or trapping of varying structures - musculotendonous or bursal in between the top of the humerus (arm bone) and beneath the tip of the acromion (edge of the shoulder blade. )
Read MoreIn the first part of this article series, we looked at some off-beat remedies for treating back pain. Although visits to your physiotherapy clinic may still be required for diagnosing and managing acute injuries or chronic pain conditions, you can use some alternative treatments methods simultaneously.
Read MoreNeck pain is both very common and fairly scary. Patients often rush to their doctor for scans to get to try and seek the answer to their pain but this often proves disturbing and unhelpful in equal measure.
Read MoreChronic pain can give rise to other complications like fatigue, restlessness, and mood swings, decreased productivity at work and low mood. Thankfully, physiotherapy, among other treatment options, can help cure the problem from within. Here’s how you can deal with your chronic pain.
Read MoreMost people do not know that physiotherapy has been shown to be effective for a wide range of issues around the head including jaw pain, headaches and neck pain (1). Furthermore physiotherapy has also been proven to be effective in treating altered sensations like persistent itchiness, numbness and tingling and many more that are listed below (2). In a survey of members of the American Dental Association, physiotherapy was listed among the 10 most common treatments used, involving 10% to 17% of patients for jaw dysfunction (3).
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